Build an electric generator and study how the amount of coiled wire affects the amount of electricity that is produced.
Demonstrate the principles of a hompolar motor and homopolar generator.
Determine if the speed of a five pole DC motor will change if the voltage is changed.
Build an Ionic Thruster like NASA Uses for Space Propulsion
Build a simple electric motor and to determine which motor design produces the fastest rate of spin.
Build a simple DC motor using an electromagnet and a reed switch and explore the effect of voltage on motor speed.
Investigate how an electric motor's size affects rotation speed.
Measure the torque on an electric motor by the mass lifted by the motor.
Can a Motor Act Like a Generator, and How Efficiently?
Demonstrate how electromagnetism can be used to create an electric motor.
How Does Coil Shape and Magnet Placement Affect the Rotations of a Simple Motor?
Make a rail gun using a homopolar motor and do different tests to see what factors affect its performance.
Build a small dynamometer that could measure the output power, torque, and RPM of a HO scale slot car.
Build a simple electric generator and test the factors affecting its output.
Build a Curie-effect magnetic heat engine.
Electrostatic Motor and Generator Science Fair Projects
Magnetic Levitation and Propulsion and Maglev Train Science Fair Projects