Electric Motor and Generator
Science Fair Projects
Ideas and Sample Projects by Grade Level

Home Experiments Electronics Warning!
Elementary School - Grades 4-6
P=Project   E=Experiment
Electricity generated by a converted exercise bicycle [P]
Make a simple generator (Shake-A-Gen) and investigate the relationship between magnetism and the induction of electrical current. [E]
Make a simple generator and investigate the relationship between magnetism and the induction of electrical current. [E]
Electrostatic Motor and Generator Science Fair Projects
Magnetic Levitation and Propulsion and Maglev Train Science Fair Projects
Middle School - Grades 7-9
P=Project   E=Experiment
Build an electric generator and study how the amount of coiled wire affects the amount of electricity that is produced. [E]
Demonstrate the principles of a hompolar motor and homopolar generator. [E]
Determine if the speed of a five pole DC motor will change if the voltage is changed. [E]
Build an Ionic Thruster like NASA Uses for Space Propulsion [E]
Build a simple electric motor and to determine which motor design produces the fastest rate of spin. [E]
Build a simple DC motor using an electromagnet and a reed switch and explore the effect of voltage on motor speed. [E]
Investigate how an electric motor's size affects rotation speed. [E]
Measure the torque on an electric motor by the mass lifted by the motor. [P]
Can a Motor Act Like a Generator, and How Efficiently? [E] [E]
Demonstrate how electromagnetism can be used to create an electric motor. [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [P]
How Does Coil Shape and Magnet Placement Affect the Rotations of a Simple Motor? [E] [E]
Make a rail gun using a homopolar motor and do different tests to see what factors affect its performance. [E] [E]
Build a small dynamometer that could measure the output power, torque, and RPM of a HO scale slot car. [E]
Build a simple electric generator and test the factors affecting its output. [E] [E] [E]
Build a Curie-effect magnetic heat engine. [E]
Electrostatic Motor and Generator Science Fair Projects
Magnetic Levitation and Propulsion and Maglev Train Science Fair Projects
High School - Grades 10-12
P=Project   E=Experiment
Build an electric generator and study how the configuration of permanent magnets affects when and how much electricity is generated. [E]
Prove that electromagnetic induction can be used for powering transportation. [E]
See if electricity can be generated more efficiently than in conventional methods by using two three-phase motors in a Rotoverter setup. [E]
Make an electric motorboat for 5 meter rain gutter drag races [E]
Stepper Motor and Controller Projects and Experiments [E]
Demonstrate how electromagnetism can be used to create an electric motor. [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [P]
Build and investigate a reed switch motor [E] [E]
The efficiency of a hand-built AC generator in relation to the angular velocity of the magnets. [E]
Investigate magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), build a MHD engine and test it. [E]
Electrostatic Motor and Generator Science Fair Projects
Magnetic Levitation and Propulsion and Maglev Train Science Fair Projects
Useful Links
Science Fair Project Resources [R]
Citation Guides, Style Manuals, Reference [R]
Electrical Safety [R] [R]
Electricity Science Fair Books


Electricity Projects
Electricity Topics Related Subjects
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Fruit & Vegetable Batteries
Bulbs & Lamps
Electric Circuits & Devices
Resistance & Conductivity
Electric Motors & Generators
Magnetic Levitation
Static Electricity
Power Technology
Electricity Cost & Efficiency
Temperature and Electricity
Magnets & Electromagnets
Solar & Renewable Energy
Cell Phones
Computer Science

Science Fair Project Guide
Science Fair Project Types
The Scientific Method - How to Experiment
The Display Board
Topics, Ideas, Sample Projects

Electrical Discoveries and Inventions
Edison: Light Bulb
Ohm's Law
Ampère's Law
Voltaic Pile
Faraday: Electric Motor
Franklin: Kite Experiment
Morse: Telegraph
Tesla: AC Electric Power
Zuse Konrad: Computer

Electronics Projects Famous Electro Scientists

My Dog Kelly

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Last updated: January 2017
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