What makes an apple turn brown the fastest?
How Much Fat is in Your Food?
Investigate how "raviolis" made from yogurt change over time.
Using Lasers to Measure the Sugar Content of Liquids through Refraction
Develop Your Own Soda Pop Recipe
What makes food decay faster?
Find out which M&M has more chocolate, a peanut M&M or a plain M&M.
Obesity: How Greasy Are Your Potato Chips?
Investigating the Concentration Levels of PCBs in Farmed Fish Feed
Investigate the optimal starter cultures for making yogurt from whole milk.
The effects of pH level on apple juice fermentation
Compare the antioxidant effects of natural and synthetic food preservatives.
Do Oranges Lose or Gain Vitamin C After Being Picked?
Why does organic milk last so much longer than regular milk?
Determine which baking method (traditional, New York, or water bath) produces a cheesecake with the fewest cracks and greatest rise.
Investigate the effect that fat and its temperature have on the taste and texture of pastry shells.
The Effects of Pesticide Residues on Brine Shrimp Mortality
How Sugar Content Changes in Ripening Fruit