Dairy & Milk
Science Fair Projects
Ideas and Sample Projects by Grade Level

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Elementary School - Grades 4-6
P=Project   E=Experiment
Is That Really Bacteria Living in My Yogurt? [E]
Make a centrifuge from a salad spinner and use your centrifuge to investigate what butter is made of. [E]
Which cheese will be the first to begin rotting and which will be the first to be fully rotten? [P]
Determine the right conditions for making butter. [E]
Investigate the optimal starter cultures for making yogurt from whole milk. [E]
The Effect of Various Milk Pasteurization Temperatures on Bacteria Growth [P]
How does the type of cheese affect mold growth? [P] [P]
Which brand of vanilla ice cream melts slowest? [P]
Middle School - Grades 7-9
P=Project   E=Experiment
Investigate how "raviolis" made from yogurt change over time. [E]
Use different recipes to make processed cheese, and to determine which recipe results in the best-melting and best-looking cheese. [E]
Determine susceptibility of store brand and homemade yogurt to development of yeast contaminants. [E]
Investigating the Anti-Bacterial Properties of Turmeric on the Shelf Life of Milk [E]
The Science of Making Cheese [E]
How Do Fat Content, Exposure to Air, and Movement Affect the Shelf Life of Milk? [E]
Does the Fat Content in Dairy Affect Its Taste? [E]
How does the temperature of milk influence the time it takes for the milk to turn into yogurt? [E]
Which combination of powdered milks and liquid milks would make the best yogurt? [E]
Which cheese is the most delicious? [P]
Does fat content effect the evaporation rate of liquid milk? [E]
Find out if a silver dollar can keep un-refrigerated milk fresh longer by killing the bacteria which sours milk. [E]
The Cheese Industry [P]
Bacterial Activity in Fresh and Frozen Human Milk as Compared to Cow's Milk and Baby Formula [E]
What Factors Can Inhibit the Fermentation of Milk? [E]
Which milk is the best for your baby? Determine the contents of Sialic Acid present in human milk and infant milk formulas. [E]
The effects fat has on freezing milk [E]
High School - Grades 10-12
P=Project   E=Experiment
Determine total protein concentration, casein concentration, and whey protein concentration of cow milk samples retrieved from cows during different stages of lactation. [E]
Why does organic milk last so much longer than regular milk? [E]
The effects of protein level in the diets of dairy goats on the pH, EC or TDS of the milk. [E]
Find out which milk - whole, reduced fat, or fat free - had the highest protein level and determine if the process of skimming does indeed collect all of the proteins in the milk. [E]
Comparing lactose percentage between whole milk and powdered milk [E]
Useful Links
Science Fair Projects Resources [R]
Citation Guides, Style Manuals, Reference [R]
Safety Resources [R] [R]
Food Science Fair Books


Food Science Projects
Engineering Topics Related Subjects
Chocolate, Candy, Sweets
Food Safety
Bacteria in Food
Yeast, Mold in Food
Food Preservation
Food Storage
Vitamin C
Dairy Products
Cooking & Baking
Cakes, Cookies, Ice Cream
Fruits & Vegetables
Salt & Sugar
Food Chemistry
Food Biochemistry
Genetically Modified Foods
Temperature & Food
Salt & Sugar

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Last updated: January 2017
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