Investigate how "raviolis" made from yogurt change over time.
Use different recipes to make processed cheese, and to determine which recipe results in the best-melting and best-looking cheese.
Determine susceptibility of store brand and homemade yogurt to development of yeast contaminants.
Investigating the Anti-Bacterial Properties of Turmeric on the Shelf Life of Milk
The Science of Making Cheese
How Do Fat Content, Exposure to Air, and Movement Affect the Shelf Life of Milk?
Does the Fat Content in Dairy Affect Its Taste?
How does the temperature of milk influence the time it takes for the milk to turn into yogurt?
Which combination of powdered milks and liquid milks would make the best yogurt?
Which cheese is the most delicious?
Does fat content effect the evaporation rate of liquid milk?
Find out if a silver dollar can keep un-refrigerated milk fresh longer by killing the bacteria which sours milk.
The Cheese Industry
Bacterial Activity in Fresh and Frozen Human Milk as Compared to Cow's Milk and Baby Formula
What Factors Can Inhibit the Fermentation of Milk?
Which milk is the best for your baby? Determine the contents of Sialic Acid present in human milk and infant milk formulas.
The effects fat has on freezing milk