Tidepool Populations: Collapse or Fluctuation?
Estimating the Population of Crayfish using the Tag and Recapture Method
The Effect of Location on the Population Distribution and Size of the Olympia Oyster, Ostrea conchaphila
Population Dynamics of the Olympia oyster, Ostrea conchaphila, in Richardson Bay, CAR
Compare the abundance of mollusk populations as a measure to indicate environmental change.
A Predictive Simulation-Analysis of San Lorenzo River Fish (Salmonids) Populations
Predicting Population Growth with Models
Determine whether beach grooming, the removal of wrack from beaches, decreases the population of macrofauna found on the beach.
Genetic Variation among Populations of Greenhouse Whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) throughout California
Ecology Science Fair Projects and Experiments