Biome, Ecosystem and Habitat Ecology
Science Fair Projects
Ideas and Sample Projects by Grade Level

Home Experiments Quiz Warning!
Primary School - Grades K-3
P=Project   E=Experiment
Make and use maps to investigate the distribution of different kinds of animals in your local environment. [E]
Hunt for M&M® prey in a series of different habitats to discover which M&M's® survive in each habitat and why. [E]
Find out how many different kinds of animals live around your local environment to measure animal biodiversity in your area. [E]
Developing a Natural Habitat as a Classroom Setting [E]
The kangaroo rat and its adaptations for survival in a desert habitat [E] [P]
Biome & Ecosystem & Habitat K-12 Experiments and Lesson Plans
Elementary School - Grades 4-6
P=Project   E=Experiment
How Do Plants Grow in Different Environments? [E]
Research the rainforest [E] [E]
Why Burns Bog is so hard to preserve? [P]
Explore Endangered Species [P]
The Environment and Ecosystems: A Few Activity Teacher Guides [E]
What Do Students Know And Feel About Over-Population? [E] [E]
Overpopulation vs. Overconsumption [P]
Biome & Ecosystem & Habitat K-12 Experiments and Lesson Plans
Middle School - Grades 7-9
P=Project   E=Experiment
A Quantitative Assessment of Nutrients and Their Impact on the Microbiome Health [E]
The Effect of Biodiversity on Ecosystem Health [E]
The Importance of Coyote Bush in Chaparral Ecosystems [E]
Make a mini biosphere (Winogradsky Column) to test the response of soil microorganisms to environmental changes in a closed system. [E]
Trapezoidal Channels vs. Natural Creeks Effects on Habitat [E]
Test the effects of fire on the mineral content of soil. [E]
Test if there is higher mortality of Pinyon Pines on steeper slopes and on hotter slopes (south aspect) during the last drought. [E]
The Environment and Ecosystems: A Few Activity Teacher Guides [E]
Investigate Integrated Pest Management (IPM) [E]
Survey student knowledge of the extinction and endangerment of animals. [E]
Survey what students know and feel about deforestation? [E] [E]
Investigate the desert as a unique biome [E] [P]
Build your own biosphere. [E] [P]
Biome & Ecosystem & Habitat K-12 Experiments and Lesson Plans
High School - Grades 10-12
P=Project   E=Experiment
Combatting drought with a low-cost, biodegradable Superabsorbent Polymer made out of orange peels [P] [P]
Effects of Short Fire Return Intervals on Chaparral Ecosystems [E]
Developing a Self Sufficient Estuary Mesocosm aimed at restoration to improve the environment to its former condition. [E]
Field and GPS mapping of non-native smooth brome and creeping thistle over a three-year period documented the invasive nature of these alien plant species in a natural area park in northwest Calgary, Alberta. [P]
How Habitat Fragmentation Affects Arthropod Diversity [E] [E]
The role of fire in park ecosystems [E]
Natural Reintroduction of Valley Live Oaks in an Abandoned Walnut Orchard in a Major Urban Park [E]
Biome & Ecosystem & Habitat K-12 Experiments and Lesson Plans
Useful Links
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Citation Guides, Style Manuals, Reference [R]
Safety Resources [R] [R]
Ecology Science Fair Books


Ecology Projects
Ecology Topics Related Subjects
Plant Ecology
Marine Ecology
Land Animal Ecology
Biome / Ecosystem Ecology
Fire Ecology
Population Ecology
Endangered Species
Sun & Light
Environmental Science
Botany & Agriculture
Earth Sciences

Science Fair Project Guide
Science Fair Project Types
The Scientific Method - How to Experiment
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Topics, Ideas, Sample Projects

Famous Ecologists

My Dog Kelly

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Last updated: January 2017
Copyright © 2003-2017 Julian Rubin