Electrolysis: what happenes to oxygen by measuring the amount of hydrogen and the weight loss of a nail.
Investigate how changing the level of oxygen affects the exothermic oxidation of iron powder
How will the size of a closed jar affect the burning time of a candle?
Which chemicals and biological substances can function as catalysts in the decomposition reaction of hydrogen peroxide to yield oxygen?
How fast will different objects burn in different levels of oxygen?
Follow in the steps of Scheele, Priestley and Lavoisier and discover oxygen
Electrolysis of Water to produce Hydrogen and Oxygen
Find out which solution gets rid of grape juice stains the best: oxygen bleach, chlorine bleach, vinegar, or water.
Destruction of Natural Pigments by the Interaction of UV Light and Oxygen
Investigate the effect of temperature and substrate concentration on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen gas and water with two catalyst organic catalase and inorganic manganese dioxide (MnO2) and measure the rate of the reaction.
Which type of metal is most rust-resistant after being exposed to different liquids.
See if pH levels of water had an effect on the rusting of nails.
Test different Kinds of water for pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, phosphates, coli form bacteria, iron and hardness.
Oxygen K-12 Experiments & Background Information
Interdisciplinary Topic: Oxygen