Make an Earthquake Early Warning Alarm
Determine whether a vertical or a horizontal direction of energy (simulating an earthquake) will cause more liquefaction to occur in saturated sandy soil?
Map earthquake activity and relate it to the positions of the Earth's tectonic plates.
What type of rock can withstand the most pressure before fracturing?
Build and test your own seismograph.
Use archived, online seismometer data from the Berkeley Digital Seismic Network to create your own seismograms in order to measure how fast seismic waves from distant earthquakes travel through the Earth's crust.
All you need to know about earthquakes!
Which Structures Perform Better During an Earthquake
Which soil is the safest to build a structure on in the earthquake-prone area of San Francisco Bay?
How likely it is that a large earthquake will strike?
The Location of earthquakes (epicenters) by using the time differential for P and S waves
How the different modes of earthquake affect the damage suffered by a building?
Does the moon have any effect on Earth seismic activity?
Determine the accuracy of lichenometry in dating past earthquakes.
Factors that affect the transfer of force through saturated soil
Which soil foundation can withstand the most water before liquefaction occurs?
Can earthquakes be predicted by lost pet ads?
The effects of liquefaction on desert soils
Earthquake Building Science Fair Projects & Experiments
All about Earthquakes