Create a model of radioactive decay using dice and test its predictive power on dating the age of a hypothetical rock or artifact.
Stalactites and stalagmites: examine a variety of mineral solutions and see which would grow the longest, single formation.
Test different minerals to see where on the Mohs hardness scale they would fit.
Number of speleothems versus distance into a cave.
Perform a local calibration of lichen growth for lichenometry dating in your area and use this calibration to date a manmade or geological feature or disturbance in your area (for example, old stone walls, or a road cut, or a rock slide).
Investigate how layers of sand deform under lateral compression.
Find out if rocks are affected over time by varying levels of salinity as reflected in a freshwater environment.
Investigate what happens to the volume of wet sand under compression.
The Effect of Compression on Granular Media
Determine the profile of a desert wash from top to bottom - particle size and abundance.
Identify the texture, depth, color, structure, moisture, presence of rocks, roots and free carbonates in your neighborhood.
High Resolution Uranium Mapping of School Sites
Geology Science Fair Projects & Experiments
Water Geology (Hydrogeology) Science Fair Projects & Experiments