Science Fair Projects
Ideas and Sample Projects by Grade Level

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Primary School - Grades K-3
P=Project   E=Experiment
Determine if melting of the northern polar ice cap or the ice sheet on Antarctica would contribute to a rise in sea levels. [E]
Elementary School - Grades 4-6
P=Project   E=Experiment
Create super cooled water and learn why oceans don't freeze solid. [E]
Determine if the speed of a current changes with distance from the shore and with water depth by going out in a boat and using a watch and a GPS. [P]
Test several freshwater and saltwater samples to see how much salt they contain. [E]
Investigate deep sea life. [E]
The trilobites of Manuel's River [P] [E]
Middle School - Grades 7-9
P=Project   E=Experiment
Restoring balance to our marine habitats by oyster shell recycling [E]
Acid Ocean: The Effect of pH on Calcifying Organisms (Clam Shells). [E]
Investigate and model the effect that water depth has on wave velocity. [E]
The 'Global Conveyor Belt' - Make a model of ocean currents and measure how the heat input affects velocity of the currents. [E]
Find out how and where plankton is most abundant in the Newport Harbor, California. [E]
Use online data from continuous monitoring stations on the Chesapeake Bay to study water quality measurements before and after algal bloom events. [E]
Investigate what happens to layers of water with different densities. [E]
Will Different Ocean Bottoms Affect the Height of a Breaking Wave? [E]
Does Ocean Water Temperature Affect Its Viscosity Enough to Change Waves? [P]
How Does Ocean Floor Morphology Affect Wave Height and Speed at the Shore? [E]
Does Temperature Affect the Salt Formation in the Dead Sea? [E]
Sediment Deposition Patterns in Varying Water Velocities [E]
Compare the salinity of a river at the ocean outlet to its salinity at different points inland at both high and low tides. [E] [E]
What is oceanography? [E]
Why is the ocean salty? [E]
How much salt there is in ocean water? [E]
What type of sand do sand dollars like to live in? [E]
High School - Grades 10-12
P=Project   E=Experiment
Understanding Ocean Acidification [E]
The Effect of Surface Area and Volume on the Temperature and pH in a Tide Pool [E]
Determine what influences the movement of harbor porpoises. [E]
The Effect of Latitude on Ocean Salinity in the Antarctic Waters [E]
Determine whether temperature affects the salinity and pH level of ocean water. [E]
Tests the effect of depth on ocean bottom composition. [E]
Find the best jetty design that would keep sand on beaches. [E]
Tests to see if extending the beach by adding sand to it affects rip currents. [E]
Build a model illustrating sea-floor spreading and subduction. [E]
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Last updated: January 2017
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