How Does Color Affect Heating by Absorption of Light?
Learn about mixing and subtracting the primary colors of visible light.
Investigate whether different frequencies of light contain different amounts of energy.
Determine whether depth affects the ability to see color underwater.
Why has the sky multiple colors at different times and places during the day?
Why is The Sky Blue
What ophthalmic lenses best absorb ultraviolet light?
Use the wavelengths of primary colors to calculate the frequencies of additive colors, as well as white light.
Will high frequency plasma affect infrared spectrum viewing?
How Do Different Color Filters Affect the Energy of a Laser Beam?
Follow in the steps of Newton, Herschel and Ritter and discover the spectrum of light
Repeat Herschel's infrared experiment
Which objects or substances are best at blocking out ultraviolet rays?
Determine if different colors of light bulbs would have different percentages of light pass through a prism.
Find out the effect of different isolation tables and developing times on a holograms visible range of color.
How does sugar density affect the index of refraction of water?
Optics & Light Science Fair Projects and Experiments