Research the different methods of measuring time over history.
Effect of temperature on the freezing time of different liquids
The Twin Paradox & The Grandfather Paradox
Will quantum teleportation allow time travel?
Find out the effect of different isolation tables and developing times on a holograms visible range of color.
Measure how the buoyancy of helium-filled latex balloons changes over time.
Investigate the nature of turbulence produced in heated air. (Measure the properties of time variability of the refractive index distribution over the source of heat).
The Effect of Ball Diameter on the Time It Takes to Fall
Determine the relation between elapsed time and distance traveled when a moving object is under constant acceleration.
Quantum Physics and Schroedinger’s Cat: How can a cat be alive and dead at the same time?
Proving Isaac Newton's Universal Gravitation by Warping Space-Time
What Effect Does a Solution's Temperature Have on the Duration of a Bubble Film?
Why has the sky multiple colors at different times and places during the day?