The Tarzan Problem: What Is the Best Angle to Jump Off a Swinging Object to Maximize Distance?
Investigate Hooke's law and see how a spring can be used to weigh objects.
Measure the force and the work required to lift the same load with different arrangements of pulleys.
Determine which launch angle results in the greatest distance for a projectile.
Build an accelerometer and use it to measure acceleration and gravity-induced reaction forces on a roller-coaster ride.
How Do Varying Amplitudes, Weights, and Lengths Affect the Period of Motion of a Pendulum?
The Distance a Trebuchet Catapult Can Throw Projectiles of Different Masses
What Is the Optimal Release Angle for Shooting a Free Throw?
See if it is possible to compute the velocity of a projectile by measuring its fall over a measured distance.
Test how different size pilot holes affect torque required to advance screws into wood.
How Does Center of Gravity Affect a Crane Design?
Measuring Human Horsepower
Build your own wind tunnel and demonstrate Bernoulli’s Principle
The More Pulleys, The More Pull
Discover the relationship between the amount of pressure put in the tank of an air cannon and the distance that the projectile flies.
Measure how much torque in newton-centimeters was required to turn a lag screw in a block of wood as the diameter of the screw, the depth of the screw, or the size of a pilot hole was changed.
Demonstrate Newton's Third Law of Motion by a rocket car with escaping air as the action force.
Compare modern parachute performance to that of Leonardo da Vinci’s design
Trebuchet Catapult Science Fair Projects and Experiments
Pendulum Science Fair Projects and Experiments
Force, Motion & Energy Science Fair Projects and Experiments