Hinged vs. Fixed Trebuchet Counterweight Design
Determine which launch angle results in the greatest distance for a projectile.
The Distance a Trebuchet Catapult Can Throw Projectiles of Different Masses
What Is the Optimal Release Angle for Shooting a Free Throw?
Discover which size and material of spherical projectile delivers the optimal (deepest) penetration into a block of foam, when fired from a slingshot
Distances a Catapult Can Propel Spheres of Differing Mass (Weight), Size and Density
How Does the Length of the Arm or Counterweight Mass of a Trebuchet Affect the Distance an Object Can Be Launched?
The Effect of Wheels on Catapult Efficiency
Maximizing the Trajectory of a Trebuchet
Evaluate how different sling lengths and counterweight masses affect the distance a trebuchet throws a ball.
Is the distance of a certain mass when launched by a catapult affected by the potential energy and angle of the catapult?
Pendulum Science Fair Projects and Experiments
Simple Machine Physics Concepts Science Fair Projects
Force, Motion & Energy Science Fair Projects and Experiments