Recycling Greywater: Can Plants Tolerate It?
The Effect of Four Common Types of Domestic Water on the Growth of Soybeans
Determine the effect of different water pollutants on corn.
The effects of microwaved water on plants
Which environmental pollutant - motor oil, used transmission fluid, used antifreeze - has the most effect on aquatic plants and animals (elodea and daphnia)?
Discover the effect of different types of reclaimed water on the growth of grass.
The Effect of Water Acid Levels on the Growth of Radishes
See if toxins are able to travel through the water cycle. If It remains toxic? How Toxic? Can this effect our crops and does this provide dangers to animal life.
Conserving Water and Minimizing Nitrogen Pollution Caused by Nitrate Leaching
Is recycled water really safe?
Water Pollution Science Fair Projects & Experiments
What is Water Pollution?