Drinking Water Quality
Science Fair Projects
Ideas and Sample Projects by Grade Level

Home Experiments Science Jokes Warning!
Primary School - Grades K-3
P=Project   E=Experiment
Elementary School - Grades 4-6
P=Project   E=Experiment
Bacterial Content of Water Bottles [P]
Comparing the Lead Content of Drinking Water in Various Schools [P]
What is Water Quality?
E. coli / Coliforms Science Fair Projects & Experiments
Fresh Water Pollution Science Fair Projects & Experiments
Water Conservation & Management Science Fair Projects & Experiments
Middle School - Grades 7-9
P=Project   E=Experiment
Determine the quantity of Bisphenol A (BPA) in the water of a non-reusable plastic bottle, compared to the quantity of Bisphenol A in the water of a reusable plastic bottle. [P]
Research the water crisis [E]
Use a Color-based Test to Measure the Concentration of Iron in Water [E]
Test three types of fog netting materials. [E]
Can Cross Linked Polymers Help with California's Water Crisis [E]
Using Daphnia to Monitor Water Toxicity [E]
Bioremediation Impacts on Water Quality: Effects on Urban Runoff [E]
Conductance as a Water Quality Measurement [E]
Copper in the Santa Cruz Mountain Drinking Water [E]
Assess the water quality of rainwater collected from different geographical areas. [E]

Are there any adverse effects to reusing a water bottle? [E] [E]
How Clean Is Drinking Water in India? [E]
Determine the quality of tap water in various regions of the United States for unsafe quantities of certain contaminants. [E]
Test for lead presence in different home products. [E]
Find the level of copper in drinking water [E]
Determine if addition of chemical ingredients to bottled waters will influence taste preferences. [E]
Discover the drinking water source with the highest nitrate level. [E]
Are Copper Pipes a Significant Source of Copper in Drinking Water? [E]
Do Contaminates in Drinking Water Transfer to Raw or Cooked Vegetables? [E]
Which middle school in your district has the best water quality by testing pH levels, total alkalinity, total hardness, iron levels, copper levels, nitrate levels, and nirtrite levels? [E]
Compare the pH level in municipal drinking water vs. domestic well water. [E] [P]
Determine if the depth of a well affects the level of nitrate content found in the water. [P]
Can people tell if water is clean by looking at it? [P]
Determine if the levels of total dissolved solids increase as the level of water decrease in water bottles [E]
What is Water Quality?
E. coli / Coliforms Science Fair Projects & Experiments
Water Pollution Science Fair Projects & Experiments
Water Conservation & Management Science Fair Projects & Experiments
High School - Grades 10-12
P=Project   E=Experiment
A surface water data buoy that can offer live readings of pH, temperature, turbidity, and salinity from the waters as the data is sent wirelessly and is stored in an online database. [P]
How Much Mercury Are We Really Taking in? [P]
What are the dominant seasonal variations of water quality? [E]
Determine the effect of temperature on the formation of trihalomethanes (THM) in water and determine an effective method of THM removal using filters that were either hand-made or commercially processed. [E]
Investigate tap water safety. [P]
Examine the acidity of snow samples [P]
Oklahoma City’s Water Quality: A Five-Year Assessment [P] [P]
The Global Water Sampling Project - An investigation of water quality [E]
What is Water Quality?
E. coli / Coliforms Science Fair Projects & Experiments
Water Pollution Science Fair Projects & Experiments
Water Conservation & Management Science Fair Projects & Experiments
Useful Links
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Safety Resources [R] [R]
Environmental Sciences Fair Books

The Orchid Grower - A Juvenile Forensic Science Adventure Novel

The Orchid Grower

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Global Warming
Greenhouse Effect
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Daphnia Experiments
Water Conservation
Water Pollution
Freshwater Pollution
Aquatic Life Pollution
Saltwater Pollution
Irrigation Water Pollution
Water Purification
Water Filtration
E. coli Contamination
Drinking Water Quality
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Last updated: September 2016
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