Science Fair Projects
Ideas and Sample Projects by Grade Level

Home Experiments Science Jokes Warning!
Elementary School - Grades 4-6
P=Project   E=Experiment
What is the effect of ozone on plant growth. [P]
How can we save ozone layer? [P]
Determine the effect of ozone on the growth of radishes [P]
Analyze the various items in weather reports and see if you can determine what factors contribute to high pollution days. [E]
Air Pollution Science Fair Projects and Experiments
What is Ozone?
What is Air Pollution?
Middle School - Grades 7-9
P=Project   E=Experiment
Can the ozone gas created by a Tesla coil be used to purify water? [E]
Investigate different fossil and alternative fuels and their effect on the ozone layer. [P]
Determine if the concentration of ground level ozone will decrease as you move away from a highway. [P]
The Photochemical Formation of Ozone at Ground Level and Its Effects on Some Plants [E]
Find the amount of ground-level ozone near your house. [P]
Air Pollution Science Fair Projects and Experiments
What is Ozone?
What is Air Pollution?
High School - Grades 10-12
P=Project   E=Experiment
A Systemic Spectra Analysis of Organic Aerosols after Ozonolysis and Their Effects on Climate [E]
The Pulmonary Effects of Ozone-Generating Air Purifiers [E]
Study of tropospheric ozone using OSIRIS and TOMS data. [P]
The Hidden Dangers of Ozone Depletion: Is Our Food Supply at Risk? [E]
Ozone Levels Over Different Locations: A Study With OSIRIS and AIRNow Website Data [E] [P]
The Effect of Carbon Dioxide and Ozone Enrichment on the Growth Behavior of Bush Bean Plants [E]
Prediction and variability of ozone levels during episodes of severe air pollution [E]
Why Ozone Levels May Thwart the Governor's Plan to Reduce Air Pollution in San Joaquin Valley [E]
Air Pollution Science Fair Projects and Experiments
What is Ozone?
What is Air Pollution?
Useful Links
Science Fair Projects Resources [R]
Citation Guides, Style Manuals, Reference [R]
Safety Resources [R] [R]
Environmental Sciences Fair Books

The Orchid Grower - A Juvenile Forensic Science Adventure Novel

The Orchid Grower

Environmental Projects
Environmental Topics Related Subjects
Global Warming
Greenhouse Effect
Endangered Species
Oil Spills
Waste Management
Acid Rain
Air Pollution
Car & Vehicle Pollution
Daphnia Experiments
Water Conservation
Water Pollution
Freshwater Pollution
Aquatic Life Pollution
Saltwater Pollution
Irrigation Water Pollution
Water Purification
Water Filtration
E. coli Contamination
Drinking Water Quality
Soil Pollutions
Radiation & Light Pollution
Metal Pollution
Plants and Environment
Going Green!
Sun & Light
Earth Sciences

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The Scientific Method - How to Experiment
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My Dog Kelly

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Last updated: September 2016
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