Investigate how acidic water can dissolve limestone rocks.
Does Acid Rain Make Steel Rust Faster?
Impacts of Acid Rain on Crops
By evaluating how the mosses react to acid rain it may be determined how polluted the air is near an ecosystem that supports moss growth.
Determine if acid rain can be used in a good way to help plants grow in places, like playas, where the salts are too high for plants to grow.
How does different pH level affect algae cell structure?
Determine the influence of chemical and particulate pollution on the Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) butterflies undergoing metamorphosis.
Research how acid rain makes corrosion.
Determine whether acid rain affects the acidity in Barn Owl pellets
Can Antacid Tablets Improve Soil Damaged by Acid Rain?
Determine whether water with pH level less than 7 (simulating acid rain) will affect the cellular structures of algae.
Demonstrate that lichens can be used as effective bioindicators for acid rain.
What factors affect the acidity of rain?
Determine what effects acid rain has on common substances.
The effect of acid rain on building materials
Determine if lower pH, primarily caused by acid rain, in pond water will affect the life span of pond minnows.
Does precipitation in your area contain acidic emissions from power plants, industries or vehicle emissions? Does the acidity of the precipitation change during the year?
Interdisciplinary Topic: Acids & Bases
What is Acid Rain?
pH - Experiments and Background