Determine if moths are equally attracted to different-colored lights.
Explore the Roles of Color and Sugar Content in Hummingbirds' Food Preferences.
See if Helix aspersa (garden snail) preferes to eat blue and purple pansies or yellow and white pansies.
See if desert tortoises can see color.
Dog Color Genetics
Do Hummingbirds Prefer Colored Nectar from the Warm End of the Color Spectrum?
Gecko Color Sight in the Dark of the Night
Which of the primary colors are birds attracted to?
Which colors is a dwarf hamster more attracted to?
Are birds attracted to brighter or darker ultraviolet colors?
What color can dogs see best?
The effect of color on the behavior of tidepool sculpin
Are dogs color blind?
Manipulate a chameleon to change colors.
Do snails have color vision?
Color, Fragrance, and Flavor: Measuring Their Influence on the Behavior of Worker Bees
Which color moving object in a dog's peripheral vision will distract it the fastest?
Find out which leopard coat color provides more protection, black or tawny
Do Goats See Color and What Color Do They Perefer?
See which colored light (purple, green, red or white) crickets are attracted to.
How Does the Coloring and Sweetness of a Flower Affect Bee Visitation?
Interdisciplinary Topic: Colors