Which is the most effective learning stimuli for hamsters - sight, sound, touch, or smell?
Which colors is a dwarf hamster more attracted to?
The effect of time of day on the time it takes a hamster to negotiate a maze
Test squirrel acrobatic abilities.
Hamsters and their memories
Do Dogs and Hamsters think and learn differently?
The Effects of Various Aromas on Hamster Behavior
Learn if a hamster could produce more energy on a complex carbohydrate diet or a protein diet.
Is the weight of a hamster proportional to the amount of energy it can produce?
Determine the resistance of two strains of Chinese Hamster Ovary cells to the antibiotic Geneticin.
Do Dogs and Hamsters think and learn differently?
The effect of artificial light on hamsters' sleep habits
Mouse & Rat Science Fair Projects and Experiments