Do Fish Feel Pain?
Research Why do whales beach themselves?
Investigation into the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Purple/Red Sea Urchins and Kelp Bass in the S. Barbara Channel
Test whether the Black Ghost Knifefish (BGK) can use its electrolocation sense to distinguish between two different electric field waveforms, a capability that would enable to communicate with the fish and control its movement.
Investigate the parallelism of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) to the mouse as a good model used to assess drug toxicity and efficacy.
Test wheter if Molly Fish are raised in a controlled saline environment, then they will ultimately recognize their home saline concentration and swim back up stream, similarly to King salmon.
Determine if goldfish contain long-term memory capabilities
Do goldfish contain long-term memory capabilities or the ability to remember an event or an occurrence in time?
Water Temperature: Does It Affect Salmonid Growth?
The Influence Gravel Seep Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Has on Juvenile Salmonid Numbers and Behavior
Light Intensity Effect on Tilapia Behavior in the California High Desert
New studies have shown that goldfish possess the power to tell time, develop a routine and have a memory of up to three months. In our experiment, we are trying to determine whether or not this new information is correct.
Predicting the mating sites of grunion based on sand grain size
The effects of water temperature change on goldfish physiology and behavior
Aquatic Life Science Fair Projects & Experiments