Determine whether there is a relationship between air temperature and where and when birds migrate.
Do Cool Temperatures Impact the Parasitism Rate of Psyttalia humilis (parasitoid wasp)?
Which Saddle Pad Material Keeps the Horse at the Coolest Core Temperature After a Twenty Minute Workout
Determine if cricket chirps can be used to predict the outdoor temperature.
Determine the positive and/or negative effects of heat on ladybugs' speed, strength, flight, and activity.
The Effect of Temperature on the Development Time of Drosophila melanogaster
See if a single homing pigeon will fly faster in cooler morning conditions or in warmer late afternoon conditions.
The effects of water temperature change on goldfish physiology and behavior
Is the Gulping Rate of a Tropical Fish Affected by the Change in Water Temperature?
Respiration rate changes in goldfish as a function of external temperature
The effect of temperature on the respiration rate of fish.
The effect of low temperatures on minnows
How does incubation temperature affect the sex ratio of fruit flies?
What saddle pad keeps a horse coolest?
Determining The Effects of Various Animal Hair and Temperature Variations on Mice Behavior.
Light Effects of Animals