Does Calcium Strengthen Eggshells?
Comparing Aggressive Behavior of Chicken Genders at Various Stages of Development
The relationship of incubation times and egg volumes in a variety of bird species
Determine if laying hen chickens would lay more eggs if artificial light was added each day as compared to laying hen chickens that only had natural light.
What kind of feeding pattern is better for egg production?
Determine whether it is necessary to rotate various types of bird eggs to achieve a high hatch rate or whether rotating eggs is an unnecessary and costly expense.
Will the increase of the amount of peanuts in a laying hen's diet increase the size and mass of its eggs.
Determine if chickens will exhibit the conditioned response of coming to the gate with the ringing of a telephone.
Discover the effects of change in orientation of chicken embryos to the Earth's geomagnetic field.
The effect of steroids on the growth of chickens
A few egg experiments
A few embryology projects
Effects of age and sex on the aggressive behavior of chickens
Determine if the quality of a commercial chicken's egg is better than a backyard chicken's egg.
Will the introduction of peanuts into the diet of chickens result in larger and heavier eggs.
Determine if home farm chickens have stronger egg shells than caged chickens.
Birds & Birding Science Fair Projects & Experiments