Which paw is more dominant in dogs?
Analysis of the Correlation Between Barking and Corresponding Emotional States of Dogs
Using Treats to Keep Vet Bills Down
Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in Shelter and Domestic Cats
Research how to find a lost dog and build an application or a website that will help in this effort.
The Effect of Roaming Space on Distance Walked in Pets: about pet obesity
Can people accurately read dogs� facial expressions?
How Puppies Keep Warm: determine how much huddling reduces heat loss in warm-blooded animals.
Determine the best tick prevention and removal methods available on the market.
Research the role of dogs in science
Which Dog Food Is Digested Better?
Can a cat be positively identified from its paw prints?
Which gender of dog is the smartest?
Dog Color Genetics
Why does my dog howl when I play certain songs on my viola?
Determine whether cats respond preferentially to familiar bird sounds.
Measure canine intelligence with some simple behavioral tests.
Determine whether non-primate mammals (e.g., dogs or cats) have a paw preference, which might indicate lateralization of function in the brain.
Determine if dermatophytes (fungi that typically grow on skin structures) and yeasts colonize the claw tissue of healthy dogs.
Domestic Cat (Felis catus) Responses to Bird Sounds
Determine whether White Coat Hypertension (WCH) occurs in dogs when they visit the veterinary hospital.
Does Dog Saliva Kill Bacteria?
Why some types of dog foods are more popular than the rest. Is it because they are better tasting, healthier or just because they are the cheapest?
Determine at what age cats will recover from anesthetics fastest when spayed/neutered, younger or older
Can You Teach a Dog to Read?
Determine which of a dog's sense of sight, smell, or hearing has the greatest effect on its short term memory.
Test whether artificial light affects the sleeping habits of domestic dogs.
Roundworms and Hookworms, Year Two: Prevalence in Shelter Puppies
It is said that a dog's mouth is cleaner than a human mouth, is it true?
Which color moving object in a dog's peripheral vision will distract it the fastest?
Are dogs color blind?
Assessing canine hearing loss
Are domestic dogs and wolves similar in their hierarchical behaviors?
Do Dogs and Hamsters think and learn differently?
Investigate the domestic cat.
Find out if more cats are right-pawed, left-pawed, or ambidextrous.