The Relationship between Anemone Color and the Abundance and Diversity of Their Endosymbionts
The Effect of Ultraviolet Light on Plant Development and Fruit Production
Applying ultra-violet visible spectrophotometry and various types of chromatography to compare the amounts of certain photosynthetic pigments in fresh, frozen, and canned phaseolus vulgaris and spinacia olercea.
Why do leaves change color in the fall?
Predict whether self-pollination or cross-pollination with another plant with the same or different colored flowers will produce the most seeds.
1. What happens to pigment as leaves change color with seasons? 2. Why are two leaves of the same tree different in color intensity? 3. Does the temperature of a refrigerator have an effect on a plants pigment composition? 4 and 5. Compared different, yet similarly colored parts of the plant to determine whether or not the coloring pigment was the same.
The Effects of Different Colored Lights on Algal Oxygen Production
The effect of different pH water and soil levels on coloring agents in the different flowers (hydrangeas)
Color Change in Leaves - Experiments & Background Information
Interdisciplinary Topic: Colors