Does Orange Oil Really Work? A Study of Synthetic vs. Organic Pesticides
Determine if adding compost from native trees will improve the growth of vegetation.
Determine the effect of organic fertilizer and natural farming soils (clay soil and sandy loam) on corn plants.
Are Organic and Nonorganic Store Bought Birds (Chickens) Equally Infected with Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria?
Experiments in Organic Agriculture: Improved Rooting & Companion Planting
How fertilizers, inorganic and organic, affect Eisenia fetida's (earthworm) mortality rate and cocoon production
A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Organic Worm Castings and Non-Organic Fertilizers in the Growth of Annual Rye Grass
The effect of rhizobium leguminosarum on pea plants
Is caffeine an effective pesticide against drosophila (fruit fly)?
The effects of crezacin, a synthetic plant adaptogen, on germination rate, growth and weight of pole bean plants.
Organic or inorganic fertilizer, which is better?
Find out which type of soil fertilizer, organic or synthetic, will leach the fastest when water passes through the soil, mimicking different amounts of rain.
Determine the most effective pest control method (organic vs. traditional), and what method produces the best tasting lettuce.
The use of a natural method of allelopathic leaf extract treatments to eradicate Arundo donax (giant reed) in a environmentally-friendly and cost-effective manner.
Does organic material affect the absorbency of water in soil?
The most environmental friendly way to eradicate perennial weeds by using black plastics and cardboards.
Determine the effect of organic pesticides on ladybugs.
Determine what natural pesticide is most effective against crickets.
What Is Organic Agriculture