Using Adjuvants to Amplify the Effect of Organic Herbicides to Kill Undesired Plants
Does Orange Oil Really Work? A Study of Synthetic vs. Organic Pesticides
How Does Herbicide Temperature Affect the Killing of Undesirable Plants?
What is the Most Effective Treatment for Whitefly Infestations on Plants?
Experiment with Factors that Affect Roundup® Weed Killer
Investigating a Practical Eradication Method for the Invasive Parrot Feather
Find the best way to remove pesticides and their presence on produce.
Can Copper Foil Snails?
What is the Most Effective Treatment for Whitefly Infestations on Plants?
How to decrease pesticide use and runoff
Find a natural non-toxic material - mineral lime, ash, cinnamon, bay leaves, eucalyptus leaves, sand, and human hair - that can repel snails without killing them.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - decide if a herbicide application is necessary.
Is caffeine an effective pesticide against drosophila (fruit fly)?
Determine the most effective pest control method (organic vs. traditional), and what method produces the best tasting lettuce.
The use of a natural method of allelopathic leaf extract treatments to eradicate Arundo donax (giant reed) in a environmentally-friendly and cost-effective manner.
Interdisciplinary Topic: Pesticides
What is Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?