A Novel Method to Reduce Water Consumption in Germinating Seeds
Does Salt Water Exposure Affect Radish Seed Germination?
Testing if Early Germination Gives an Edge to Algerian Sea Lavender
Can anti-cancer agents, such as turmeric, pepper and ginger, used in food inhibit the germination and protein content in different plant seeds?
Investigate how planting depth of seeds affects their rate of emergence from the soil.
Determine how different growth media affect the development of roots in newly propagated plantlets.
The Effect of Charcoal on the Germination and Growth of Corn
The effect of heat and radiation on radish seeds
Seed Dispersal in Sea Rocket
The Effects of Antioxidants and Free Radicals on Seed Germination
Which Organic Acid Accelerates the Germination of the Green Mung Beans?
Does the consentration and soaking period of hydrogen peroxide effect the germination time for a seed and rooting of plant cuttings?
Find out if smoke from burning chamise, eucalyptus, willow, or paper causes the seeds of Phacelia grandiflora seeds to germinate faster.
The effects of Stratification Time on Germination Rate
Does the amount of light affect the germination of spinach seeds?
Determine which soaking solution would germinate bean seeds most effectively.
Determine seed tolerance for freezing by measuring the germination rate after being frozen for various intervals.
Determine at what temperature three different types of vegetable seeds die.
Determine which of four pre-planting treatments to lettuce seed would cause the seed to germinate the fastest: pre-watered seed, fertilized seed, refrigerated seed, and non-treated seed.
Determining the Effects of Water Temperature and Exposure Terms on Seed Germination
What happens when seeds sprout?
The relationship between the size of a seed and its ideal planting depth
Do nutrients affect seed germination?
Soil temperature vs. seed sprouting
Does colored light affect seed germination?
The effects of x-ray radiation on seed germination
Methods of testing seed viability
The effect of seed size on germination
The effects of artificial gravity, ultraviolet light, and magnetic fields on seed germination and the growth of the root.
The Effect of Cold Storage on Seeds
The Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Rooting of Plant Cuttings and Seed Germination
Seeds & Germination K-12 Experiments & Background Information