The Growth of Basil in a Controlled Environment with Modulated Lighting Conditions
Increasing the Longevity of Cut Roses
Determine what level of salinity stresses a tomato plant and adversely affects its fruit production.
The Effect of Temperature on the Growth of Red Radishes with Symbiotic Endomycorrhizae
Dtermine if caffeine would spur the growth of kangkong (Ipomoea aquatica Torsk).
Creating New Plants Through Cross-Pollination
Determine how the growth pattern of sweet pea tendrils is affected by the presence of a magnetic field, blowing air, or having their tips cut off.
Will Electrifying Soil With AC or DC Current Accelerate Plant Growth the Same?
The Effects of Intense Pulsed Lighting on the Growth Behavior of Bush Bean Plants
The Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Roots of Plant Cuttings & on Seed Germination
The Effect of Growing Medium on the Height of Paperwhite Narcissus Flowers
Figure out whether plant growth is more dependent on nitrogen or CO2 (carbon dioxide).
Determine what effect aminotriazole (ATA), an herbicide has on Oxalis - inhibiting chloroplast protein synthesis.
Find out what the ideal proportion of earthworm castings to soil is for young garden plants.
Produce a new plant by fragmentation
Are Plants Affected or Influenced by the Moon?
Determine if it is possible to grow all of the different parts of the African Violet in the tissue culture environment successfully.
Which bug spray works the best?
Is rhizobium bacteria a factor affecting nodule formation in Legumes?
Find out which factor is most important for plant growth: sunlight, water, or good quality soil.
Determine if the amount of aeration has any effect on plant production.
How Does the Intensity of Artificial Light Affect the Growth of Sunflower Plants?
Determine if there is one color that can be used to paint our cherry trees that will protect them from sunburn without causing harvest delays.
What Prolongs the Lives of Cut Roses the Longest?
What happens when a plant population is too dense?
The effect of mycorrhizae on the growth and development of carrots
Where are the sweetest oranges found on an orange tree?
Does location in an orchard affect sugar levels in navel oranges?
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - decide if a herbicide application is necessary.
The Effect of Colored Polyethylene Mulch on the Yield of Squash, Tomato and Cauliflower
How does frost damage temperate plants?
The effects of three common weather conditions on a plant's rate of transpiration
The most drought resistant grass
Do electrified plants grow larger and faster than non-shocked plants.
Test if there is higher mortality of plants on steeper slopes and on hotter slopes (south aspect) during drought.
Does music help plants grow?
Factors Affecting Plant Growth: K-12 Experiments & Background Information
Mulch & Mulching K-12 Experiments & Background Information