Can common phytohormones aid the early growth of food crops even in poor soil?
Measure the ripening of unripe fruit induced by the plant hormone ethylene.
Measure the ripening of unripe fruit induced by the plant hormone ethylene, by monitoring starch levels using an iodine solution.
Determine if fruit size in tangelos could be increased by manipulating the tree by pruning or using a growth regulating hormone.
What is the role of hormones in synchronizing fruit ripening?
The Effect of Growth Hormones on Irradiated Lima Beans
The effect of different concentrations of the plant growth substance IAA and gibberellic acid on the growth of roots and shoots
Compare rate of plant growth using two different growth hormones
The effect of estrogen on the growth of cruciferous vegetables
The effect of Rootone hormone on plant growth
What Are Plant Hormones?